Daniel McAvinue

  1. Playing with Tailscale

    I recently did some playing around with tailscale which is a fancy wrapper for wireguard. It takes some of the headaches away from wireguard and provides a clean way to manage instances registered with a wireguard network. It can defin...…

  2. Passively monitoring Utilities

    This is something I’ve been working on for a while. A way to passively and accurately monitor my utility usage. It would need to be able to tie into my existing home automation infrastructure and poll at a regular enough interval to be...…

  3. Playing with Hashistack (a.k.a consul/vault/nomad)

    As an alternative approach to this Kubernetes at Home work, I had been mulling over the idea of baking off the approach against some of hashicorp’s tools. Marrying consul/vault/nomad together allows for the creation of a ‘hashistack’. ...…

  4. Kubernetes at Home: part 2

    This is part 2 of the Kubernetes at Home : part 1 post a made earlier. This goes more into the gitops/flux aspect of this setup, as well as some of the interesting affinity hurdles to overcome related to home automation in general. My s...…

  5. Kubernetes at Home: part 1

    I figured it was about time for me to detail my home automation setup somewhere. It has gone through a bunch of iterations and grown to a point where I’m comfortable doing so.v1 of this started on a single Raspberry PI and has evolved i...…

  6. Home Assistant Floorplan and Unity

    Anyone that knows me knows I play a bit too much in home automation. One loose goal of mine I’ve been looking to figure out is real time visualizing of my home automation devices. Ultimately, I wanted to provision a web application tha...…

  7. Initial Commit

    This is my initial post, in the form of a quick refresh of my github pages repo. I ran with the crisp jekyll-uno theme. It should work with any jekyll theme you find out there. You can set up a repo using their docs.…